Sunday, 24 July 2011

my Pros and Cons for the use of technology in education

Pro: Technology is used for a range of different hands on learning tools such as wikispaces, weebly accounts and blogs that are a fun and easy way to share information with other learners. As well as most young children find in fairly easy to navigate themeselves around the different resources.

Con: It however can waste valuable learning time trying to make particular resources work because you dont have the correct flash player or the right microsoft office program installed to use that resource. This not only wastes the childrens learning time but also all the time you have spent gathering information, useful websites or activities to share.

Personally I like to incorporate technology into classroom lessons as students these days are so familar with the technology that for them it can often be easier to understand. Also being a digital native I find it easy to understand and navigate a number of technology based resources however i am finding blogger a little bit of a challenge. As I am still having difficulting posting comments still after trying everyones tips and even using four different computers i still can't seem to post comments. So sorry to those that have some fantastic post I had tried to comment on about a dozen of them, and even to those who commented on my posts I can't even comment on my own blog. So if anyone else has some more ideas please on how to resolve my issue i would greatly appriciate it thanks : )


  1. Have you tried using a different browser? I can't comment when using internet explorer but on Mozilla or Safari it is fine. Hope it works!

  2. Ok I shall try using a different explorer, just checking if this has worked as I am trying to use Mozilla
